All Covid-19 articles
Covid passports: how to prepare for visiting the theatre
Although plans to roll out a Covid passport programme for large events have now been put on hold, they are still required for entry into some theatres. What does it mean for group travel organisers and what do they need to make their members aware of?
Survey results: restarting visits, vaccine confidence and how we’re still your number one
Here are the results from our Restarting Group Trips & Holidays survey which asked group travel organisers for their thoughts on several aspects of getting back out there again.
We Welcome Groups
This page was created, and updated, as lockdown restrictions eased to inform group travel organisers of which attractions were taking bookings and welcoming group visits again.
Target date for resuming UK holidays is a ‘boost’ for coach tourism
The Coach Tourism Association has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement which included a target date for resuming UK holidays.
The group travel trade reacts to mixed Government messages about holidays
Tour operators, coach companies and resorts have reacted to comments from different members of the cabinet about whether it is “too early” to plan holidays and the misinformation that booking holidays is “illegal”.
Confirmed: it is NOT illegal to book a holiday and have something to look forward to
After a range of confusing comments and messages from various government ministers, we knew who we would have to turn to in order to set the record straight. And rant a little, of course - over to Grumpy Group Organiser.
“Light at the end of the tunnel” as tour and coach operators report rise in group booking enquiries
Tour and coach operators have said they are starting to receive more enquiries from group organisers who want to plan ahead and have trips to look forward to.
Saga requires holidaymakers to be vaccinated against Covid-19
Over 50s tour operator, Saga says it will be writing to all cruise and holiday customers informing them that they must have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before they can travel.
Images: Salisbury Cathedral transformed into Covid-19 vaccination centre
NHS staff have been working with those at the 800-year-old Salisbury Cathedral in Wiltshire along with volunteers to offer the Covid-19 vaccination jab to patients.
Readers tell us how getting GLT magazine has kept spirits up during the pandemic
GLT magazine readers have been in touch to tell us how much they’ve enjoyed receiving their copies through the post, and to their inbox, during the pandemic.
John Wales, outgoing Coach Tourism Association chair, on hopes for 2021
John Wales, who is retiring as chair of the Coach Tourism Association, has spoken about optimism for coach tourism in 2021.
Vaccines, Brexit negotiations and protecting Stonehenge
In the latest instalment from our monthly columnist, Grump Group Organiser shares some views on the Covid-19 vaccine, the future after a Brexit deal and the controversial tunnel at Stonehenge.
Coach tours are permitted under Covid restrictions in tiers 1 and 2
Guidance has been issued confirming that coach tours are still able to take place in parts of England in either tier 1 or 2.
Viking Cruises announces first ever Covid-19 testing lab on board one of its ships
The laboratory will be onboard cruise ship Viking Star which the cruise line says will allow for “unprecedented testing capacity”.
A tour of Sussex provided reunions and light relief
A Sussex Circular Tour with his group gave Geoff Allen a chance to offer some light relief.
Travel insurance & coronavirus explained
Make sure that you’re clear on what your insurance rights are now, and for future travel, when it comes to the impact of coronavirus.
Coronavirus and travel: helpful links and information
A resource hub containing information and handy links to help you stay informed about how coronavirus restrictions may impact any plans you have for group trips and holidays.
First new-look Shearings coaches out on the road for UK tours
The Shearings brand was acquired by touring company Leger Holidays earlier this year and has recently started its first coach tours.
Understanding the tiered system, Covid sniffer dogs and a hint of positivity
Too many tiers and the smell of armpit sweat, Grumpy Group Organiser has their say.
My group’s first Covid-19 holiday abroad to Italy
Chris Taylor, of the Wey Valley Theatre & Travel Club and New Meridian Association member, shares her experience of a trip overseas to Italy with her group.