Eden project biome

The Eden Project in Cornwall has announced plans to build a new rainforest canopy walkway called The Weather Maker in time for spring 2017.

This newly added feature will allow visitors an improved experience of viewing the Rainforest Biome, allowing more opportunity to discover the types of weather in rainforest environments.

The Weather Maker will take visitors around and above the tree tops on an immersive journey of discovery. Groups can learn about rainforests through time, and how they help regulate the climate.

Those feeling brave can also trek across a 22.5-metre long wobbly rope bridge and shelter from recreated tropical rain storms.

More in the Rainforest Biome

There are a number of features inside the Rainforest Biome for visitors to explore and learn from.

An area called the Baka Camp reveals the secrets of the Baka indigenous people who live in the West African rainforests of Cameroon, the Congo basin and Gabon. See the shelters they build and hear the music they make using plants found in their sacred forests.

There is also the IKOS pod - an aerial laboratory and campsite where canopy scientists explore life at a different level. Here groups can learn how rainforests keep humans alive wherever you live on earth.

Further highlights include a nest platform, where visitors can learn how plants eat, drink, reproduce and protect themselves from danger without moving, and a range of floor level exhibits surrounding the biome walkways.

Group booking information

Group travel organisers will find a range of packages and discounts available for bookings of 15 or more people arriving by coach or minibus.

For group bookings and enquiries call 01726-811903 or e-mail groups@edenproject.com.

For further information visit www.edenproject.com.

Photo credit: Hufton+Crow.