Hever Snowdrops

Hever Castle has announced that it will open for its snowdrop season from 11th February.

More than 60,000 snowdrop bulbs have been planted in the gardens over the past six years, including a mix of single and double snowdrops, interspersed with some unusual varieties such as the yellow tipped ‘Wendy’s Gold’, a giant galanthus called ‘Colossus’ which at nine inches is one of the tallest snowdrops you can find, and galanthus ‘Green Brush’ with its unusual green tipped flowers.

Head gardener Neil Miller said: “The snowdrop trail isn’t to be missed! It meanders along the outer moat bank, up Half Moon Lawn, under Golden Stairs and through Fern Bank to Sunday Walk. 

These wonderful bulbs really lift the soul and signal to gardeners and non-gardeners alike that the long winter will soon be coming to an end.”

Groups following the snowdrop trail can also take the one hour-long Hever Lake walk to take in the views of the castle’s parkland.

Visitors will also be able to admire the Winter Garden opposite Half Moon Lawn, which has been rejuvenated in recent years with specialist snowdrop bulbs planted among the winter flowering shrubs such as daphne and viburnum, dogwood and orange witch hazel.

About Hever Castle

Dating back to the 13th century, Hever Castle was once the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII and Mother of Elizabeth I. It formed the unlikely backdrop to a sequence of tumultuous events that changed the course of Britain’s history, monarchy and religion.

For more information visit www.hevercastle.co.uk.