The Who’s Who in Group Leisure directory for 2022 has thousands of updated listings offering ideas and contact details to help GTOs throughout the year.
From the team that brings you Group Leisure & Travel magazine, Who’s Who is still regarded as one of the most valuable tools available for group travel organisers. Thousands are printed and posted to readers while an online digital edition is also available to search and share.
First published in 1993, it contains listings for the some of the best and most relevant attractions and suppliers for groups, broken down by county for England, along with sections for Scotland, Wales and Ireland. There are also useful dedicated sections for tour operators, ferry companies, as well as cruise lines.
The directory includes a foreword from the Tourism Minister, Nigel Huddleston, and comments from VisitEngland, VisitScotland, Visit Wales and Tourism Ireland.
Commenting on the publication, publisher Rob Yandell said: “The world has changed a lot since Who’s Who was first published back in 1993. But what hasn’t changed is the need for group organisers to find information and ideas easily.
“It’s why Who’s Who continues to be used throughout the year, every year, by thousands of GTOs - even now in a world of search engines and smartphones. My thanks go to the team for working so hard to produce another edition, and to our advertisers.
“I hope our readers discover some exciting new ideas – there’s plenty in there.”
You can use the digital edition of WWGL or buy a print copy securely via Paypal by clicking here.
For help or queries about purchasing a copy, or to order a print copy over the phone, contact Ingrid Hansford on 01908 613323 or email (please do not send payment or bank details via email).